My Youth Soccer Guide

Adidas Soccer Equipment Guide
Learn about the product and your possibilities...
...then make a purchase.

If you are looking for Adidas soccer equipment but you are not really sure what your best options are - You are in the right place.

My main ambition was to develop a guide that would provide you with all the necessary information to comfortably select the right soccer gear for you and your budget...all in one place.

No more long searches, confusion and frustration.

Reviews and Recommendations

Adidas Soccer Cleats - Selections for any budget, age and skill level of a player. I have listed all Adidas soccer cleats that are currently on the market. Every model contains a short description, a date it was released, types of surface the model is available for, available sizes and some pictures.

Adidas Soccer Ball - Adidas Soccer Balls are among the best. Since 1970 FIFA World Cup in Mexico, Adidas Soccer Ball has been an official ball not only for every World Cup Tournament but also for every major soccer event (i.e. European Championship, Champions League).

Adidas Shin Guards -there are only seven models worth considering. To make it even easier, I have divided them into two groups: with or without ankle guards. Hopefully you already have your mind set up on which type you prefer.

Selecting Soccer Cleats - Selecting Soccer Cleats, the most important part of soccer equipment, could be a torture. My Recommendations and Factors to Consider will help you decide, which soccer cleats are right for you.

Selecting Soccer Shin Guards - arguably the most annoying piece of equipment in the eyes of soccer players. Factors to consider, recommendations, reviews and tips.

Selecting Soccer Balls - Based on my experience, reviews from soccer players I know and from my teenage sons and their team-mates, I have gathered all the information you will need to select a soccer ball that is right for you. So, you don’t have to try many different kinds until you find the right one and spend too much money.

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