My Youth Soccer Guide

Useful Soccer Resources
Links to remarkable soccer Web sites

You'll find here links to soccer resources that I feel will make My Youth Soccer Guide more complete.

I know how hard, how much time consuming, is to find Web sites with good and useful content, information, services or products.
Therefore my goal is to provide you with variety of good quality soccer resources that could be very beneficial for you.

If you know a truly unique soccer related Web site that you think should be included on this page, please let me know.

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Inside our site you'll find hundreds of articles, visual tutorials, mini video lessons, PLUS other resources packed with practical and realistic information to help you coach your team, and just as importantly, develop your own skills as a Junior Soccer Coach.

Better Soccer More Fun
This Web site covers a great amount of soccer coaching issues. It introduces the European style of youth soccer education called "Dutch Vision". According to the author of this site "the Dutch Vision is not a random set of exercises, it is a way of thinking".

This is a great 'one stop shop' for all youth soccer coaches. Get free advice on just about everything including how to set up and run practice sessions, what to do on match day, how to manage parents, why children play soccer and lots more. There is also a lively coaching forum where you get answers to all your questions.

Membership area (less than $3 a month) with online tool for soccer coaches. The Web site features hundreds of soccer drills and management tools, like practice plans, calendars, rosters etc.

Soccer Coaching Guide
A complete guide for the soccer coach and the soccer parent, in particular those that are new to this great game.


Soccer Connection
Using Soccer Connection soccer players, coaches, managers, agents, and other soccer specific professionals such as team administrators, referees or trainers can find positions with professional, college, high school, or youth teams anywhere in the world.

Soccer Agent is an online global soccer database and community for recruiting players and coaches. It was created in 2002 by professional soccer coaches to recruit talented players all over the world. The interactive database is for soccer coaches, managers, clubs, schools, agents, scouts, academies and soccer institutions to view player and coach details.

Training and Fitness

Soccer Drills and Techniques
Improve as a Player or Coach! Game-winning soccer techniques, strategies, championship soccer drills and coaching soccer guide.

Soccer Fitness
This site is designed to provide information and ideas to help youth players develop specific fitness to help them play soccer. It is designed for the serious soccer youth player from ages 13 and up, but also covers activities and ideas for younger players (10 to 12).

Human Kinetics
Human Kinetics Web site serves the physical activity field by producing textbooks and their ancillaries, consumer books, software, videos, audiocassettes, journals, and distance education courses.

Soccer Training Info
This site contains many tips and advice for youth soccer players on how to improve their skills and technique or strategy and tactics. It provides useful information for soccer coaches and parents as well.

Everything Soccer - Equipment & Uniforms
Offers resources to equipment for soccer youth, soccer training drills, and other great soccer tips.

Sites for Parents

Soccer Fans Info
Soccer Fans Info provides information on various topics related to soccer such as the history of soccer, rules, famous players, how to play soccer and training guides.

Kids First Soccer
The Kids First Soccer site advocates a child centered approach to the organization and instruction of youth sports. Special emphasis is placed on the provision of useful information to first time soccer moms and dads.

Girls Soccer

Girls' Soccer World
This is your news source designed especially for girls up to age 18 who are interested in soccer whether as a player, a fan, referee, a helper, a relative, or even a coach.

Women's Soccer World
The online magazine devoted to worldwide coverage of women's soccer.


UEFA Cup Live
Tune in to watch live football online on your pc with instant access payments.

Watch Live Soccer
Live football online on your PC.

Soccer News
Fresh daily soccer news from around the world. The Web site also features live scores and a soccer forum.

Soccer news updated daily. This site also features one of the best soccer forums.


The Football
Global Football and Soccer Portal - UK based.

Youth Soccer Tournaments List
Comprehensive directory of United States and Canadian tournaments organized by year and state.

EF Soccer Web Directory
The Web site contains several soccer related sections, like coaching, training, news, history and categorized directory of soccer Web sites.

Camps and Tours

RTP Sports Camps
RTP Sports Camps has made coaching youth sports easier. Tips for coaches, extra income opportunities and local sports camp information can all be found at this website.

Summer Adventure and Sports Camp for Youth
Tahoe Extreme Sports Camp runs the largest selection of youth sports adventure camps for extreme sports, youth sports, and other summer adventures all in one beautiful location.

Soccer Tours by offer the most complete youth soccer programs for youth players in the USA and Brazil. Our youth soccer tours, youth soccer training camps, and soccer tournament tours provide a once in a lifetime learning experience in relation to travel and tourism, soccer training and cultural exchange.

International soccer camps. The Language and Culture Soccer Experience of a Lifetime!

Golf Camps, Tennis Camps & Soccer Camps
US Sports Camps offers golf camps, soccer camps, tennis camps and many other camps for your favorite sport. At soccer camp you will improve your game and have a blast doing it!


4 Specialty Soccer
Soccer Gifts and Necessities for the Soccer Player!


Indoor Soccer Equipment, Folding Goal and Goalkeeping Gear
Offers soccer equipment and gear including t-shirts, balls, shorts, socks, and other footwear and apparel.

Soccer Goals
Offers high quality official soccer goals, youth and Club goals that offer portable and expandable features for indoor and outdoor use. Choose Jaypro Sports for all your soccer equipment needs worldwide.

The Authority For Soccer Gear and Training.

The Soccer Site
Designed by footballers for footballers The Soccer Site is your one stop place for all your football gear and equipment.

Features athletic and recreation equipment for all types of sport and physical activities, including soccer-training equipment: soccer goals, nets and field accessories.

Potrable rebound wall to improve passing skills and ball control.

Youth Soccer Equipment and...More recommends

Click here for BigSoccer!, Click the logo to go to the free soccer only search engine.

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