Soccer Topic of the Month Discussion for Everyone
Each month I'll choose a new Soccer Topic of the Month inviting everyone to a discussion.
Soccer discussion.
Every submission, not just best two or three but every entry will appear as written on my web site, on its own separate page including a form for comments.
The topics will be about almost anything soccer related whether serious, humorous or controversial.
So feel free to share your opinion and comment on others point of view.
Write your opinion and have friendly debates and arguments with other fellow soccer supporters.
Topic of this month:
Have you been involved in the youth soccer game that was very poorly refereeing? Did it affect the outcome of the game? Share your bad officiating stories with others.
Share your story
Read others' opinion
Have a story or an opinion? Go ahead and give it a try.
topics from previous months
Soccer Players You Don't Like
Which of the soccer players do you not like or even can't stand although their performance on the field is always awesome?
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